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Looking for a Coach?

Helping Others Achieve their Best

Looking for someone to help you set and achieve goals...we can help

Meet our coaches

Jade Rehu

- Bachelor of Occupational Therapy

- Diploma in Fitness Training

- Diploma of Sport and Recreation

Jade bases his coaching technique on years of training and working with clients within his own business and alongside his education and training he has completed over the years. 


Jade has developed a proprietary system of assessment and coaching based on the six pillars of wellness; intellectual, energetic, physical, emotional, environmental and spiritual. He fundamentally believes that in order to have balance in your life you need to work to achieve balance in these six pillars of wellness. 


Jade understands that all aspects of our lives are attached and affect each other and asks you to look and question at each of these pillars to understand the total picture of wellbeing. He will work with you so that you can achieve a better balance so that you can more easily reach your goals and attain joy and happiness in your life...the outcome we can assume you are looking at achieving. 


Jade has successful owned and managed a successful private health clubs and coaching business, and has worked within the NZ healthcare system, corporate institutions, and over seas as a Lifestyle coach for a royal family in Dubai. 


Jades vast experience and holistic approach will allow you to reach your full potential whatever your goals may be. 

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Tim Bowman

With a Bachelor of Business Accountancy and over 30 years of management and leadership roles, Tim can help you create a thriving business. 

Tim can help you create a thriving business based on 30 years of business experience. Tim has been involved in start up businesses as well as large scale projects and has experience in all levels of planning, management, structure, funding and planning. tim has experience in many different areas of business including public companies, realestate, education and health and wellness. 


Tim has vast experience in strategic planning, and can help you create a strong vision and clear direction. With strong business and accounting experience Tim can help you understand your numbers and help plan to make them work moving forward. 


Tim also works with the six pillars of wellness as they relate to your business and life outside of your work. Time management, stress reduction, work life balance are all skills that will be addressed alongside your business planning to ensure that you can stay strong to thrive both in business and personal aspects. 


Tim will work with you to structure and manage your business and yourself to thrive. 

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School of Business Ltd   Education Organisation Number 7577  trading as Move Academy is an NZQA Private Training Establishment (PTE) Registered and Accredited as a Category 2 (Confident in Educational Performance and Confident in Self Assessment) under the Education Act 1989 and its subsequent amendments. 

Browns Bay, Auckland NZ

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